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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Grateful Heart

On this day before Thanksgiving, I feel compelled to catch up on my blogging by listing the things I am so very grateful for:
  1. My Savior....without Him I would for certain be lost
  2. My Family and Upbringing....wonderful people who helped shape me into the woman I have become
  3. Heaven....where my Grandpa Perry is watching over me
  4. Mr. lucky to experience life and grow old with him
  5. emotional outlet & it gives me something fun to dance to ;)
  6. Miss Betsy and Miss Khloe....I love black and white...and have the most precious dogs to prove it
  7. My Job...happy to inspire 3rd grade minds and be inspired by my fellow teachers
  8. My Nest aka My House....blessed to have a beautiful and warm place to lay my head each night
  9. My Children...they're not here or even on their way yet, but I dream of wearing their little names on a necklace around my neck each day...close to my heart...I can't wait to meet them
  10. My Favorite Pastimes....reading blogs, crafting, learning to decorate, lounging
  11. My Legs....bigger than I want, but healthy enough to carry me through this journey called life
  12. Chandeliers...silly I know...but it just makes me so happy to look at them

I have realized that sometimes when you feel like concentrating on the negative, it's so much more fulfilling to turn each negative into a positive and thank God for giving you opportunities to grow!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

1 comment:

The Little Miss said...

great post and wonderful blog! Keep up the great work
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