Countdown to Mommyhood

 Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

LIONS & Tigers & Bears...Oh My!

I did it....I finally gave in to Adam pleads and let Betsy get the "Lion Cut." This is the cut that the Pomeranian breed is known for. I was so fearful of what she would look like after viewing some awful pictures of other dogs who had it done, but none-the-less I went through with it. I gave Adam very strict instructions to give the groomer when he dropped her off, to help ensure that it wouldn't look like a botched haircut. I was truly scared to go pick her up, but given the nature of the cut, I think they did a pretty good job. If anything, it made me realize how tiny she really is. It will be very interesting to see how it looks as it grows back but for now it's kinda cute. Adam says this will be her summer cut from now on. I'm not so sure about that!

My Little Lion

Love that cute!

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